Binance vs. SEC: Here’s What To Expect on the September 11th Hearing

Binance vs. SEC: Here’s What To Expect on the September 11th Hearing

Binance, one of the world’s biggest crypto exchanges, is gearing up for a legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The deadline for Binance to respond to the SEC’s opposition is September 11, 2023, and the outcome of this clash could have major implications for the entire crypto industry.

Will Binance be able to defend itself against the SEC’s allegations? Or will the SEC succeed in its efforts to regulate the crypto industry? The world is watching, and the stakes are high. Read on.

Fiery Twitter Debate

The legal dispute first caught the public’s attention when Tony Podlaski, a prominent crypto figure, tweeted about it. Podlaski highlighted the importance of Binance’s response to the SEC’s opposition to their request for a protective order and the SEC’s motion to file sealed documents within the timeframe.

Read More: Binance’s Secret Documents: What Could They Reveal? SEC Battle Heats Up

Deaton Pitches In – What Next?

In response to Podlaski’s tweet, John E. Deaton, a lawyer who specializes in crypto regulation, expressed his interest in whether Binance would challenge the SEC’s motion to seal specific documents, which reportedly include more than 30 exhibits. Deaton hinted that Binance’s response could shed light on the nature and significance of these documents.

Joint Stipulation and Proposed Order

On September 5, lawyers for the SEC, Binance.US, BAM Trading Services, and BAM Management US Holdings jointly submitted a stipulation and proposed order. In legal terms, a stipulation is a formal agreement between opposing parties ahead of a hearing or trial.

The filing concerns Binance.US’s request for a protective order and the SEC’s opposition to it. Binance.US argues that the SEC’s demands exceed the scope of a previously established consent order. They are seeking an order to halt depositions of Binance.US’s CEO and CFO and to reject certain unrelated demands from the SEC.

Both parties have agreed to submit a single memorandum in response to the SEC’s opposition and motion to file documents under seal. They have also jointly requested a court order related to the submission of opposition by BAM Trading Services and BAM Management US Holdings, with a scheduled date of September 11.

Judge Jackson’s Critical Role

In cases like this one, which involve financial investigations and civil enforcement actions, disputes often arise over the scope of document requests, testimonies, depositions, and other information. Judges often seek a balance between the interests of the opposing parties, sometimes resorting to mediation or appointing a magistrate judge to oversee the discovery process.

It is speculated that Judge Jackson, the judge overseeing the case, will likely appoint an experienced D.C. magistrate judge to expedite the resolution of the dispute. This could involve setting deadlines and hearing dates to ensure the case progresses smoothly. Judge Jackson may also make decisions even before the SEC responds to Binance’s allegations, which are expected to contain substantial evidence of Binance’s alleged misconduct.

Read More: Is Binance in Trouble? CZ Says No, Highlights Recent Accomplishments

Everyone is Watching!

While the outcome of this legal battle remains uncertain, one thing is clear: the crypto industry is closely watching the SEC’s actions against Binance. As the September 11 deadline approaches, the crypto community is eagerly awaiting Judge Jackson’s decisions and any potential revelations that may emerge from this high-stakes courtroom showdown.

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About the Author: Daniel